Early Intervention Programs




FRI Family Intervention:

It is an essential service and an integral part of multidisciplinary Early Intervention program. Family Routine Interventionist is a trained professional who collaborates with the family and a team of specialists, intervening in the child’s natural environment (home) in a systematic and routine based manner.


The role has twofold; one works with the child on the developmental domains (communicational, physical, social-emotional, and learning), their adaptive s skills (feeding, dressing, and grooming themselves) and safety. The other, coaches the parents. And other care takers by providing them with the relevant information, techniques, and support to better teach/play with their child, to set realistic goals. As well as to address the challenges they face at home or outside in their daily lives.

How it is done?

This is done in order to ensure that the child and his family have a better quality of life, not only on a familial level but also on societal one by prompting better integration and a more positive outlook of situation (child case).

PCIIP The Relational Communicative Program: Parent-Child Interaction Intervention Program: It was created in 2018 as a result of cooperation between the Department of Speech, Language and Psychological Intervention with the aim of building a healthy relationship at the communicative and psychological level between parents and their child. Standardized and scientifically proven standards and tests used in this program.

TED Therapie D’Echange et de development: It is a new work technique applied by ECIL Center with children with delays, communicative disorders, or autism disorders. It aims to develop children’s social communication and interaction skills. The center participated in its Arabization. (IE, its translation) and its application with children in cooperation with Saint Joseph University.

Feeding program: Feeding intervention program evolved in ECIL after the Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy departments participated in a Canadian specialized course that lasted a whole year remotely in the treatment of eating and swallowing problems. And the center started this service since June 2020.

DS Program: Down Syndrome Program is a special program for families who will have a baby or have recently had a child with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). It aims to empower the family and educate it to help its child discover his skills and abilities through joint sessions with the multidisciplinary team: pediatric neurologist, occupational therapist, psychomotor therapist, Speech and language therapist, psychologist, physical therapist and midwife.
