The Early Childhood Intervention-Lebanon (ECIL) center was inaugurated in June 2011 following an urgent need at the national level for newborns at risk or/and having development delays. As this category did not have the appropriate services* to empower them and their families for proper integration in society.
The center is another social initiative affiliated with Imam Sadr who believes that a nation or a society is like a human body. Any disorder would affect the whole organism. And those who can see and diagnose this disorder have the responsibility of treating it.
After twelve years, we reached to a harmonized stage where most important research findings and scientific conclusions in the field of early childhood. And early intervention are available respecting our Lebanese culture.
This was accomplished through ECIL multidisciplinary team, each in his field of specialization. Who uses inclusive therapeutic approaches and specialized scientific practices based on evidence, practice, integrative work and permanent coordination.
When we mention “the appropriate services” we mean by that:
- A service based on early childhood standards and characteristics
- A service based on integrative, collaborative work
- A service based on all developmental fields within the framework of self-regulation and the necessary care
- A service based on family empowerment and involvement in early intervention programs
- A service based on an individual family plan that is modified according to the needs of the family and the child, based on measurable goals.
- A service based on empowering the family with the skills necessary to complete its journey in society.
Worth noting that most of the existing treatment team is qualified and licensed to carry out standardized and specialized assessment tests in early childhood
Our programs are presented within several innovative dynamics: sometimes combined or single as needed.
Our results last year showed a high percentage of families’ involvement in the programs followed with their children. And we were able to significantly reduce the average age of children referred to the center during the past five years. So that we are now receiving mothers during the last pregnancy period who are preparing to have a child.