Psychomotor Therapy
Psychomotor therapy is a profession deploying its expertise as much in the diagnosis as in the treatment of the disorder. Professional practice is divided into two fields of action; a preventive action and another curative in situation of individual or collective care at any age.
In the context of early intervention, as ECIL, the psychomotor therapist intervenes with the infant and young child from zero – 3 years 11 months. The department has a role of prevention, screening and rehabilitation or therapy.
The psychomotor intervention is delivered according to different modes:
- The mother / toddler group: it aims to closely involve parents in the treatment of the child. By providing them with parental guidance and activities to perform with their children.
- Individual care: its deals with the developmental disorders and the handicap of the infant and the young child. In order to enable her/him to develop her/his capacities at the level of the global motricity,. The fine motor skills, cognitive and emotional development.